This, from Gerry Ayres, will make you pine for what else might have been:

"My major problem with the director, Lyne, is he was English and had this hankering to make his first film look like old Hollywood. Thus he chose every locale to look like a 40s movie, train tracks the girls walk home on, I could go on. Their lives in Tower records and Sambos was ignored.

He also left out the documentary aspect: for instance, the concert was written for Santa Monica auditorium and the act was Iggy Pop. A black dude in snake skin hip boots is carted out the door by security and slugged around a bit. Through the glass doors of that camera friendly locale, our teens look on without response.

Lyne decided instead to shoot at the Shrine Auditorium because he was told it was major hip. It was also boring visually: all blank walls in a confined space. And the extras he cast weren't upperclass bourgeois kids but what looked like a traveling company of the Pirates of Penzance."

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