Sep 16Liked by Matthew Specktor

I do miss getting new John Sayles movies. I know it’s among his most well-known so I am probably not alone in this but boy I love Lone Star. It addresses so many issues but it doesn’t feel heavy handed (at least not to me) doing so. I have always wondered if we’d ever see him do a limited series on HBO or Netflix at some point but maybe he’s lost interest (couldn’t say I blame him). Our loss.

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Yeah, that's on the short list for a re-watch for me. That and Matewan

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A friend in NY recently saw Saturday Nite Fever for the first time - it's screening there too. Its grittiness really surprised me the first time I saw it (on VHS in 1996, I think it was). I love this movie! Great post, Matthew. (The novelist Alex Shakar's father plays the priest brother; another bit of trivia: Alex won the LAT Book Prize back in...2012 I think it was?)

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